Join us today to make a difference for the nonprofits we serve and those connected to them.
Founder’s Club
Benefits Include:
Thank you letter and welcome packet.
A welcome announcement on all of Sightline’s social media channels.
A joint press release announcing your company’s support as a Founder’s Club member.
Logo predominantly displayed as a Founder’s Club member on the Sightline website.
A seat on Sightline's Advisory Council.
Quarterly calls with Sightline's CEO providing insights to improve your nonprofit programs and initiatives.
Annual Report on the State of Cybersecurity in the Nonprofit Sector.
Exclusive Meet n' Greet events with Sightline Members.
Invitation to Events with Sightline Members.
Sightline’s Quarterly Newsletter.
Leadership Circle
Support starting at $100,000
Benefits Include:
Thank you letter and welcome packet.
Welcome announcement on all of Sightline’s social media channels.
Joint press release announcing your support as a Leadership Circle member.
Seat on Sightline’s Advisory Council.
Logo predominantly displayed on Sightline’s website promoting your seat in our Leadership Circle.
Quarterly calls with Sightline's CEO providing insights to improve your nonprofit programs and initiatives.
Annual Report on the State of Cybersecurity in the Nonprofit Sector.
Exclusive Meet n' Greet events with Sightline Members.
Invitation to Events with Sightline Members.
Support starting at $50,000
Benefits Include:
Thank you letter and welcome packet.
Welcome announcement on all of Sightline’s social media channels.
Logo predominantly displayed on the Sightline website.
Annual Report on the State of Cybersecurity in the Nonprofit Sector
Invitation to Events with Sightline Members
Support starting at $25,000
Benefits Include:
Thank you letter and welcome packet.
Welcome announcement on all of Sightline’s social media channels.
Logo predominantly displayed on the Sightline website.
Annual Report on the State of Cybersecurity in the Nonprofit Sector
Invitation to Events with Sightline Members
Support starting at $500
Benefits Include:
Thank you letter and welcome packet.
Annual Report on the State of Cybersecurity in the Nonprofit Sector